Fractal 058 A – The Big Juggler
Part of BEYOND series – 12 2021
alchemy . architect . artist . cosmos . creation . god . juggler
Fractal 058 A – zoom level 1
Fractal 058 A – zoom level 2
This digital works is created exclusively from fractals, with 0% AI generated. It can therefore be converted into a set of functions and parameters that can be the basis for the training of an AI.
The mathematical formulas and parameter combinations corresponding to each fractal are presented below. In each case, the numerical characters have been replaced by â– to prevent unauthorized reproduction. If you are interested in using the full data set, please contact Philippe.
Fractal 058 A - The Big Juggler - Part of BEYOND series - 12.2021
Fractal_â– â– â– _A { fractal: title="Fractal_â– â– â– _A" width=â– â– â– â– height=â– â– â– â– layers=â– credits="Philoxerax;â– /â– /â– â– â– â– " layer: caption="Background" opacity=â– â– â– mergemode=addition mapping: center=-â– .â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– /-â– .â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– magn=â– â– â– .â– â– â– â– â– angle=-â– â– â– .â– â– â– â– formula: maxiter=â– â– â– filename="lkmâ– .ufm" entry="extra-foam" p_pixel_type="all in" p_wq=yes p_zc=yes p_circuit_type=series p_bailout=â– â– â– â– p_qinit=â– /â– p_cinit=â– /â– p_winit=â– /â– p_zinit=â– /â– p_wpowerinw=â– /â– p_zpowerinw=-â– /â– p_wpowerinz=â– /â– p_zpowerinz=â– /â– inside: transfer=none outside: transfer=linear gradient: smooth=yes rotation=-â– â– â– index=â– â– color=â– â– â– â– â– index=â– â– â– color=â– â– index=-â– â– â– color=â– â– â– â– â– â– â– index=-â– â– color=â– â– â– â– â– â– â– opacity: smooth=no index=â– opacity=â– â– â– layer: caption="Background" opacity=â– â– â– mergemode=difference method=multipass mapping: center=-â– .â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– /â– .â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– magn=â– â– .â– â– â– â– â– â– angle=-â– .â– â– â– â– formula: maxiter=â– â– â– percheck=off filename="lkm.ufm" entry="gap-mandelbrot" p_manparam=â– /â– p_n=â– .â– p_type="between â– lines" p_câ– =-â– .â– p_câ– =â– .â– p_theta=â– â– .â– p_center=â– /â– p_radiusâ– =â– .â– p_radiusâ– =â– .â– inside: transfer=none outside: transfer=linear gradient: smooth=yes rotation=â– â– â– index=â– â– â– color=â– â– â– index=â– â– â– color=â– â– â– â– â– â– â– index=â– â– â– color=â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– index=â– â– â– color=â– â– â– â– â– opacity: smooth=no index=â– opacity=â– â– â– layer: caption="Background" opacity=â– â– â– mapping: center=-â– .â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– /-â– .â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– magn=â– â– â– â– â– .â– â– â– angle=-â– â– â– .â– â– â– â– formula: maxiter=â– â– â– filename="lkmâ– .ufm" entry="compound-mandelbrot" p_initialz_type=pixel p_initialz=â– /â– p_npower=â– /â– p_mpower=â– /â– p_ppower=â– /â– p_bailout=â– â– â– â– inside: transfer=none solid=â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– outside: transfer=linear gradient: smooth=yes rotation=-â– â– â– index=â– â– color=â– â– â– â– â– index=â– â– â– color=â– â– â– index=-â– â– â– color=â– â– â– â– â– â– â– index=-â– â– color=â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– opacity: smooth=no index=â– opacity=â– â– â– } extra-foam { ; Kerry Mitchell â– â– June â– â– â– â– ; ; Generalization of "Mandelbrot Foam" from fractal forums ;â– â– /mandelbrot-foam-math/â– â– â– â– /msgâ– â– â– â– #msgâ– â– â– â– ; original: ; w = aâ– w/z ; z = z^â– + w^â– + c ; ; powers of w and z in w and z formulas are parameters ; ; added parallel/series modes: ; parallel: compute new w and new z independently ; series: compute new w and use that for new z ; ; pixel_type parameter allows the pixel to represent either complex parameter (or both) or the initial values ; of either complex variable (or both). ; init: complex q=(â– ,â– ) complex c=(â– ,â– ) complex w=(â– ,â– ) complex wnew=(â– ,â– ) complex z=(â– ,â– ) complex znew=(â– ,â– ) ; ; Use pixel value to set parameters (like a Mandelbrot set) and/or ; initialize variables (like a Julia set) ; if(@pixel_type=="q") q=#pixel c=@cinit if(@wq==true) w=q else w=@winit endif if(@zc==true) z=c else z=@zinit endif elseif(@pixel_type=="c") q=@qinit c=#pixel if(@wq==true) w=q else w=@winit endif if(@zc==true) z=c else z=@zinit endif elseif(@pixel_type=="q = c") q=#pixel c=#pixel if(@wq==true) w=q else w=@winit endif if(@zc==true) z=c else z=@zinit endif elseif(@pixel_type=="initial w") q=@qinit c=@cinit w=#pixel if(@zc==true) z=c else z=@zinit endif elseif(@pixel_type=="initial z") q=@qinit c=@cinit if(@wq==true) w=q else w=@winit endif z=#pixel elseif(@pixel_type=="w = z") q=@qinit c=@cinit w=#pixel z=#pixel elseif(@pixel_type=="all in") q=#pixel c=#pixel w=#pixel z=#pixel endif loop: ; ; Series: compute new w and use that for new z. ; Parallel: compute new w and new z independently. ; if(@circuit_type=="series") w=qâ– w^@wpowerinwâ– z^@zpowerinw z=z^@zpowerinz+w^@wpowerinz+c elseif(@circuit_type=="parallel") wnew=qâ– w^@wpowerinwâ– z^@zpowerinw znew=z^@zpowerinz+w^@wpowerinz+c w=wnew, z=znew endif bailout: |z|<@bailout default: title="Extra Foam" ; ; General Parameters ; heading caption="General Parameters" endheading param pixel_type caption="pixel type" default=â– enum="q" "c" "q = c" "initial w" "initial z" "w = z" "all in" endparam bool param wq caption="w = q" default=true visible=((@pixel_type=="q")||(@pixel_type=="c")||(@pixel_type=="q = c")||(@pixel_type=="initial z")) endparam bool param zc caption="z = c" default=true visible=((@pixel_type=="q")||(@pixel_type=="c")||(@pixel_type=="q = c")||(@pixel_type=="initial w")) endparam param circuit_type caption="circuit type" default=â– enum="series" "parallel" endparam float param bailout caption="bailout" default=â– â– â– â– endparam ; ; Initializations ; heading caption="Initializations" endheading complex param qinit caption="q" default=(â– ,â– ) visible=((@pixel_type=="c")||(@pixel_type=="initial w")||(@pixel_type=="initial z")||(@pixel_type=="w = z")) endparam complex param cinit caption="c" default=(â– ,â– ) visible=((@pixel_type=="q")||(@pixel_type=="initial w")||(@pixel_type=="initial z")||(@pixel_type=="w = z")) endparam complex param winit caption="initial w" default=(â– ,â– ) visible=((@wq==false)&&(@pixel_type!="initial w")&&(@pixel_type!="w = z")) endparam complex param zinit caption="initial z" default=(â– ,â– ) visible=((@zc==false)&&(@pixel_type!="initial z")&&(@pixel_type!="w = z")) endparam ; ; Variable Powers ; heading caption="Variable Powers" endheading complex param wpowerinw caption="w power in w" default=â– endparam complex param zpowerinw caption="z power in w" default=-â– endparam complex param wpowerinz caption="w power in z" default=â– endparam complex param zpowerinz caption="z power in z" default=â– endparam } gap-mandelbrot { ; Kerry Mitchell â– â– decâ– â– ; ; z^n+c Mandelbrot ; bails out when orbit falls into gap ; either between â– circles or â– lines ; ; updates: ; â– â– decâ– â– to add general starting point ; â– â– febâ– â– to add complex exponent ; â– â– febâ– â– to add switching to gap-julia ; â– â– marâ– â– removed complex exponent for backwards compatibility ; init: z=@manparam c=#pixel float a=â– .â– float b=â– .â– float gap=â– .â– float radsqrâ– =sqr(@radiusâ– ) float radsqrâ– =sqr(@radiusâ– ) float x=â– .â– float y=â– .â– float rmax=â– eâ– â– float tempr=â– .â– int done=â– ; ; set up line/circle parameters ; if(@type==â– ) ; lines tempr=@theta/â– â– â– â– pi a=sin(tempr) b=-cos(tempr) gap=@câ– -@câ– else ; circles gap=radsqrâ– -radsqrâ– endif loop: z=z^@n+c x=real(z) y=imag(z) ; ; check for falling into gap ; if(@type==â– ) ; lines tempr=aâ– x+bâ– y if((tempr>@câ– )&&(tempr<@câ– )) done=â– tempr=(tempr-@câ– )/gap z=temprâ– z/cabs(z) endif else ; circles tempr=|z-@center| if((tempr>radsqrâ– )&&(temprrmax)) done=â– z=(â– .â– ,â– .â– ) endif bailout: done==â– default: title="Gap Mandelbrot" maxiter=â– â– â– periodicity=â– center=(â– ,â– ) method=multipass magn=â– angle=â– param manparam caption="Mandelbrot start" default=(â– ,â– ) hint="use (â– ,â– ) for basic Mandelbrot set" endparam param n caption="z exponent" default=â– .â– hint="Real--use Gap Mandelbrot C for complex exponents." endparam param type caption="gap type" default=â– enum="between â– lines" "between â– circles" endparam param câ– caption="line â– c value" default=-â– .â– hint="must be less than line â– c value" endparam param câ– caption="line â– c value" default=â– .â– hint="must be more than line â– c value" endparam param theta caption="line angle" default=â– â– .â– hint="angle to horizontal, degrees" endparam param center caption="circle center" default=(â– ,â– ) endparam param radiusâ– caption="circle â– radius" default=â– .â– hint="must be less than circle â– radius" endparam param radiusâ– caption="circle â– radius" default=â– .â– hint="must be more than circle â– radius" endparam switch: type="gap-julia" n=n julparam=#pixel type=type câ– =câ– câ– =câ– theta=theta center=center radiusâ– =radiusâ– radiusâ– =radiusâ– } compound-mandelbrot { ; Kerry Mitchell â– â– Novâ– â– â– â– ; ; f(z) = ((z^n+c)/(z^m+c))^p+c ; init: complex c=#pixel complex z=(â– ,â– ) if(@initialz_type=="pixel") z=c else z=@initialz endif loop: z=((z^@npower+c)/(z^@mpower+c))^@ppower+c bailout: |z|<@bailout default: title="Compound Mandelbrot" heading text="Uses the formula z = ((z^m + c)/(z^n + c))^p + c; â– exponents." endheading param initialz_type caption="initial z" default=â– enum="pixel" "constant" endparam complex param initialz caption="initial z value" default=(â– ,â– ) visible=(@initialz_type=="constant") endparam complex param npower caption="numerator power" default=(â– ,â– ) endparam complex param mpower caption="denominator power" default=(â– ,â– ) endparam complex param ppower caption="overall power" default=(â– ,â– ) endparam float param bailout caption="bailout" default=â– â– â– â– endparam switch: type="compound-julia" julparam=#pixel npower=npower mpower=mpower ppower=ppower bailout=bailout }